'this is an automated voice mail urging all consumers of this product to disable it as soon as they venture towards the frozen highlands for your safety plz disable this as soon as your anywhere near the danger zone' With the VERY LOW shaders option, you lose some details but it makes everything on the map brighter, so for now it's a compromise we can make, if it means not straining your eyes on dark maps.and burning your eyes on the frozen highlands If you press Zoom (+), then there is no blur. The blur is only due to the thumbnail picture.
while maintaining shaders and other settings that make stuff look good. If we knew how bright the map was intended to be could play around with settings to match. Making everything look bad (it all has a slight blur to it now) just to make stuff brighter and likely more so than the devs want. As changing this option thou making it brighter is making tents and everything else look quite bad to me so its not really a good solution. Originally posted by amordron:Its a interesting find only goes further to making me wonder what the devs see on there side with settings.