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In the worst endings, you have to let down one or more of the cats. Dead All Along: Yan Shu-Chi, whose soul was devoured by Leopard Cat on the day of Liao's spiritual awakening.Declaration of Protection: Each cat makes a vow to protect Liao in the True Ending.Deus Sex Machina: In the Limited (Adult) version, Lin Hu and Likulau have to have sex with Liao so that they will be 'attuned' enough for them to possess his body, and be strong enough to do what they need to do.

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Also, Guardian Tiger's eventual name, 'Lin Hu', means 'Tiger Lin'. Liao questions his choice of this name later but Lin Hu is chuffed by it since it makes him the official guardian tiger of the Lin family, in spite there being other, more experienced guardian tigers already.

Naturally some of these are dirty and ship him with the other cats, but he takes this in good humor and buys a bunch of them.

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